Solar power systems work on the same basic principles:

Firstly, solar (photovoltaic ) panels are solar panels that get fitted to a roof or other structure positioned in such a way to get the most possible direct sun’s rays. These PV panels convert solar energy or sunlight into DC power using what is known as the photovoltaic (PV) effect. The DIRECT CURRENT flows in one direction, ie: from the sun into the PV solar panels.

Secondly, the DC power can then be stored in a special type of battery or converted by an inverter into AC power which can be used to run electrical appliances. The ALTERNATING CURRENT flows in alternating directions, either to power appliances and/or back into the grid.

Lastly, depending on the type of system, excess solar energy can either be fed into the electricity grid for credits, or stored in a variety of different battery storage systems.

  • how does solar work ? how do solar panels work

How do solar panels work

May 31, 2021|0 Comments

Solar power systems work on the same basic principles: Firstly, solar (photovoltaic ) panels are solar panels that get fitted to a roof or other structure positioned in such a way to get the [...]

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